Next Up ➡️ Ironman 70.3
For any of you on social media, which is probably everyone reading this, you will be familiar with the stories from last year, the year before or maybe even five, six or seven years ago, that keep popping up on your timeline as reminders as to what you were up to over the years.
Whenever Mark Zuckerberg and his team were writing the algorithms for Facebook, I wonder did they realise how much impact that particular feature would have.
I ran my first marathon in 2011, my first triathlon in 2014, first Ironman in 2015, and on 19th September 2021, I will be competing and hope to finish my 6th half Ironman race in Marbella, all being well. (p.s I also have 2 x full 140.6 medals at home).
I have to say the constant reminders of training pics and race photos have played their part in motivating me to stick with my lifestyle regime over the years.
Exercising everyday is now a way of life for me. I’ve written about this many times now, but I think for as long as i’m mobile, i’ll continue to exercise.
The benefits of exercise include improving your physical health, your mental health, energy levels, your ability to perform daily tasks to a high level, helps you fight chronic disease and illness, improves longevity, and so it goes on. Pretty much everything has a chance of improving in my book, if you get yourself moving regularly.
When we move and exercise we create what’s called endorphins, which is pretty much that feeling you get when you finish a run, walk or cycle. That sense of achievement, sharpness a even a sense of elation to varying degrees. You just feel really good ✔
How many times have you said to yourself after a work out, you feel so much better ?
The food side of things is a little different, and much more difficult I think for most people to keep under control.
The problem we have today is that most of the food we eat is riddled with sugar, salt, preservatives, colourings and all the crap of the day…. Which is in there to do one thing - keep you hooked!
I pass Mc Donalds most mornings on the school run, and the queue for the drive-thru is insane.
Mc Donalds is only one company, but they've all cracked how to produce shit food, that tastes good, and creates that magic in your brain, that makes people keep coming back for more.
I remember listening to a podcast a few years ago when the doctor contributing, compared the crap in fast food, having a similar impact on people’s brains as cocaine - have a think about that. 🤯
It's all about the kids
This morning I had a wonderful 43 minute run with my 8 year old son, who informed me that he’s now full vegan.
Although plant based since he was four, and pretty headstrong about most things in life, he just put it on the line earlier, to say that’s him all in now 🥦
I reminded him of the screwball ice cream he had yesterday in Portrush, after he scored the winning goal for the under 8 soccer team against Crusaders F.C. and his reply was “ay well that’s me now dad, no more ice cream, unless it’s vegan” 😅
Dr Gabor Mate
I’m reading a series of Dr Gabor Mate's books at the moment. I have been studying Dr Mate now for many years, and hold him in high regard.
He specialises in addiction and trauma, and has spent the last 40 odd years helping his patients and families overcome, deal with and manage an incredible amount of pain and trauma, mostly as a result of some kind of addiction.
One of the topics Dr Mate often talks about is the relationship between parents and their kids.
In fact, Dr Mate sets out that the science tells us that even when the baby is in the womb, if the mother is particularly anxious or experiences trauma throughout the pregnancy, the little baby can be born anxious. An incredible revelation for me anyway.
For further study on this, I recommend you listen to Dr Mate’s conversation with Rich Roll on his podcast, or go to youtube and listen into Gabor and some of his thoughts, on this hugely complex but important subject matter.
What I have been particularly interested in over the years, is setting a really good example for my own kids.
My big idea of achieving this, has been to do my best to create a really positive healthy environment at home.
The science tells us that as parents, the environment we create for ourselves and our kids, gives us the best chance in life, at almost everything.
From a health perspective, some of the doctors and scientists I have been following over the years, have produced research and written numerous books about people who are plant based, and who focus on creating a healthy and active lifestyle, generally being much more healthier, often happier, live longer and can often lead much more rewarding lives.
Both my kids are plant based almost five years now, and although still quite young, they have embraced the lifestyle and enjoy the experience.
From my own perspective I put a lot of my recovery from chronic disease down to coming off medication in 2016, and embracing lifestyle medicine and this approach to living.
I have spoken to and engaged with hundreds of people over the years about my own personal experience, and my views on how we can all create a healthy way of living.
If you are intrigued, interested, maybe curious about improving your own health and your own life, the great thing is that all of this is absolutely possible.
However, it is important to say that any successful outcome will depend entirely on the environment you create for you and your family over the weeks, months and years ahead.
I would encourage you to give it a go. You deserve it.
Let's go 🏊♂️🚴♂️🏃
This week see’s me starting week 13 of Ironman training. Cycling, running, swimming, reading, eating, sleeping (working) will be the name of the game over the next seven days.
I have to say I am looking forward to it. ✊
Whatever you get up to this week, have a great week ✔
CD ☘
Today’s medication 🥔🥕