2022 End of Year Report - 10 Pillars
As another year comes to a close, I would like to thank, in particular all of those people who have reached out to me in the last 12 months in some capacity.
Predominantly the engagement has come from people I already knew and have built up a strong relationship over many years, or simply random people I have never met, who have sent me a message on social media usually, to ask for some kind of help or guidance, who normally have either a health challenge or maybe something business related.
In my work environment, and as I own a professional services business, I get to meet so many wonderful people who normally engage with me looking for help in some shape or form.
Maybe they need to raise capital for their business, or they have a debt issue, that is currently crushing them and their family.
For the last 12 years I have been helping people with all of these issues, and it’s something I am hugely passionate about and enjoy doing.
On the health side, my advocacy work continues to travel the globe, and this year I have had engagement and contact from people right across the world, all looking for some tips and guidance on how they might fight disease and illness.
One particular personal pleasing factor for me this past 12 months, has been the progress and development of my podcast project, Money and Plants.
In December I reached the milestone of #50 EPISODES, and what a show it was, speaking to one of Ireland's leading Preventative Cardiologist's in Dr Paddy Barrett about all things heart disease.
If you are interested in this topic, check it out below.
Heart Disease & Longevity with Dr Paddy Barrett
Just on the podcast, I am delighted to say that I will be launching a new series in quarter one of 2023, talking about the opportunities of a New Ireland, and have some fantastic guests lined up for that series - keep an eye out for more information on this after the holidays.
In terms of my health this year, in the round, it has been another fantastic year.
In Mid June, I experienced an episode of Vertigo, which knocked me back for a month or so, but just like every other time I hit a bad patch, my body has this incredible power to regulate and heal itself.
The really great news being, it’s not just my body that can do this, yours can to, but you do have to help it, by creating the right environment.
So as an end of year report, to myself, I have set out some of the lessons I have learned in each of the areas of my life that I find incredibly important. I hope you find them useful;
It really all starts and ends with family, and for me this year I have been able to get a better understanding of being a dad, and what my role is at home.
I don’t speak about my personal life too much, but what I will say is that after many years of pain in this regard, I have finally reached a level of contentment, and acceptance, which has really helped me in every other aspect of my life.
When I was finding things at their most difficult in years gone by, I always believed that my own situation could improve, and certainly in the last twelve months, these hopes and aspirations have been realised which has been terrific.
For anyone who is struggling with all of this, it’s incredibly important to find someone you trust, and have a conversation around this. Keeping problems and trauma locked away in your own head can ultimately kill you. It leads to stress and anxiety, and if not managed properly or accordingly can lead to disease, illness and huge discomfort. So reach out and ask for help, there is always someone who can help you with this.
I have been running my own business now for twelve years with my business partner, and we operate in the real estate, debt & finance markets. Business is always tough, no matter what line of work you are in, but one of the advantages you have with working for yourself is that you are in “problem solving” mode almost all of the time.
There are issues and problems to solve everyday in business, and thankfully for all of our businesses we have made great progress in 2022. It has been incredibly testing at times, but again it is important to persevere and find people who are excellent at what they do, who maybe able to help you and your own business move forward.
For me one of the great areas of personal growth, is to find people who have won at business, or are currently winning, and engage with them. Speak to them about success, challenging times and the secrets of “keeping going”.
Throughout the past 12 months I have met a number of new people in the business world, who have really assisted and helped me personally, push on through some of the more challenging times throughout the year, and gave me a great deal of motivation and inspiration to keep challenging myself and to keep my standards high.
2022 started well for me, and as we enter the final week of the year, I am glad to say I am in great form and health. It is important to say that this was not always the case, as for quite a number of years, particularly after my diagnosis in 2007, I really struggled around Christmas and right through the winter period. A combination of the cold weather and dark mornings and nights, meant It was a time of year which I couldn’t wait to see the back of.
Over the last few years as everything has started to improve, and my body has got stronger, I have become to like this time of year again, which is a great feeling, as winter time can be a magical time of year.
Although I never competed in an Ironman race this year, (the first year in six years I have missed), I still did stick for the most part, to my training program. From running, to cycling, the odd bit of swimming, to coaching kids football, strength and conditioning training - I have kept myself very active all year round. This has allowed me to stay physically and mentally fit, and also keep my body in good shape, probably as good as it has ever been in.
One of the questions I often get from people who engage is “Do you still get any MS symptoms” - the answer being yes I still do get neurological symptoms like nerve pain, dizziness, tiredness, general unwell feelings etc… however these events happen much less regularly now, and when they do come, they pass off relatively quickly. This has been the case since I went of medication in April 2016 - 6.5 years ago, and long may it continue.
My message to anyone not feeling well, is to become a student of your own body and mind.
Educate yourself on your body and it’s ability to heal.
Ensure that you are creating the right environment for the healing process to continue and flourish.
My environment - 10 pillars
Prioritise your sleep (7/8 hrs per night - no devices in the bedroom)
Reduce STRESS (it’s a killer)
Nutrition (eat whole foods and mostly plant based)
Movement (exercise for minimum 30mins a day)
Reduce alcohol consumption to low levels
Leave toxic relationships / friendships
Prioritise yourself / your health at all costs
Commit to self development and steady progress
Work in a job or a business you are passionate about
Spend time only with people who love and value you
Thankfully for me, I have been able to stick to my 10 pillars as much as possible, not something I have been able to say at the end of every year.
My plan for 2023 is to continue on with this approach to living and to keep challenging myself to keep my goals and standards high.
Finally, and thanks if you have stayed with me to now, over the last few months I have been thinking a lot about the importance of my core values and principals in life.
Things life integrity, perseverance, resolve, patience, love, humility and compassion.
Around this time of year I get to think and write about these kinds of things and consider where I might score in each.
I am very fortunate that I am now surrounded by a small group of people who support me and score highly on every level of these core principles.
I think this is the key to living - find and agree on your core values, what is important to you, and then find your tribe, your people, who also represent and try to live by these characteristics and values.
As I start to plan for 2023, I look forward to continuing my advocacy work, great health, lots of adventure and also, hopefully helping many more people create their own little bit of success, and experience their own breakthroughs and accomplishments in their own life.
That to me sounds like a great plan for the next 12 months.
Have a great Christmas, and thanks again for your support,
November 2022
Dec 2022