You can Heal Yourself
It has happened so many times in the last 15 years, and yet again, an experience I had to go through in the last week.
For anyone with a neurological problem, weird body sensations, feeling unwell all of a sudden, no energy, poor form, dizzyness, is all too common.
For me, i’ve had an incredible 2022, so I was probably due a blip, to be fair.
In short last weekend, I woke up with severe vertigo. It only lasted a few moments, but the damage was done, and mental scars reopened.
Why was this happening?
Is this going to be the norm now for a while?
What if I have a full blown relapse?
What about work, the kids etc?
I keep repeating myself, but feeling poorly and like crap is a terrible feeling.
It robs you from all hope and enthusiasm for life. Instantaneously.
However with age comes great experience, and I have a go-to plan now, which I implement, whenever my body stops playing ball, and I start to experience these events.
Typically this would involve light exercise, rest, good food, plenty of hydration and an hour or two extra of sleep every night if I can.
The really interesting observation for me when I start to feel a little rough, is the benefit of moderate exercise.
My sense is that it seems to help my body reset again, as I always seem to feel much better after a swim, or a light run, when i start to have these experiences.
Have you noticed? I haven't mentioned medication?
Yes that's correct, as for the most part, I don't take any form of medication now, as I know that my body is more than capable of healing itself, if I agree and commit to facilitating this process.
For many years I was always quite concerned whenever I started to have bad days. Worry & anxiety would do that to the best of us.
However the really great news is that each of us have the power to heal ourselves.
If true, and it is…. It's really important then that you 1. Are aware of this and 2. Do something about it.
The body is always looking to heal and recover, and the science and data tells us that most of the healing takes place at night, when we sleep.
So the next time you don't feel great, don't despair, implement your plan, follow through and most importantly keep the faith.
Finally, we are now in the Summer months, and yes, it looks like we are looking at another Irish wash out…. 😭
I thought I would take this opportunity to thank everyone who is a regular listener of my podcast, Money & Plants. The show continues to become more popular, and I am enjoying the process.
Currently I am producing one show per month, and later this week, I have a very special episode coming up, dare I say it, a life changing episode for some perhaps 😉
So don’t miss this one 👊
Remember you can check out all of the pods produced to date on my website, or on any of the main platforms 🎧
Have a great week 👊
CD ☘️